Researchers from KIT have built a new and novel pair of Solar Powered Sunnies. The coloured, transparent solar cells are applied onto the lenses of the glasses. From here they supply a computer and two displays with power. The amount of power generated is around 200 milliwatts for both lens’. That’s enough to operate a device such as a hearing aid or step counter.

Solar Powered Sunnies

Source: KIT

The Solar Glasses we developed are an example of how organic solar cells may be employed in applications that would not be feasible with conventional photovoltaics.  – PhD student Dominik Landerer

Other Uses

The solar cells can also be used for any window type surface. So a persons car, house window or even building could be coated in it. The solar cells themselves are based on hydrocarbons so have good flexibility. Furthermore they can even be adapted to different colours, shapes or sizes depending on what they’re used for.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research funded Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) to do the research. Their intention was for it to one day be mass produced.

Perhaps one day your Solar Powered Sunnies will be just another smart device that sync’s to your phone. It could count your steps, displays the temperature to you and takes photos. It might even display real time social media stats on random strangers while they walk by.

After they have that down pat it could then secretly control your mind, become Skynet and more all without ever having to be charged! Until then we only have Snap Spectacles

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